VITAL KSK HOLDINGS Human Rights Policy
VITAL KSK HOLDINGS Group (the “Group”) has identified “Supporting community healthcare so that people can live healthy lives with peace of mind” as its purpose in the conduct of its business. Recognizing that respect for human rights is essential as the basis of a society in which people can live healthy lives with peace of mind, the Group has set forth its human rights policy (the “Policy”) for fulfilling its responsibility.
1.Scope of Application
The Policy applies to all officers and employees of the Group, including regular employees, contract employees, part-time workers and post-retirement employees. We expect our business partners and others to understand and support the Policy, and will work with them to ensure respect for human rights.
2.Supporting International Guidelines
We support and respect the International Bill of Human Rights that includes the “Universal Declaration of Human Rights,” “ILO Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work” and other international norms. If a discrepancy exists between laws and regulations and international norms, we aim at initiatives for respecting and prioritizing international norms as much as possible.
3.Management and Promotion System
For the purpose of ensuring respect for human rights in the Group, the Board of Directors and Sustainability Committee of VITAL KSK HOLDINGS, INC. supervise and promote compliance with the Policy and relevant initiatives.
4.Human Rights Due Diligence
We identify any negative impact of our own activities on human rights in society by implementing human rights due diligence and will take actions to prevent or lessen and remedy any such impact.
5.Human Rights Issues in Connection with Business
We do not tolerate any discrimination with regard to sex, age, ideology, belief, race, ethnicity, nationality, religion, social status, disability, health status, marital status, pregnancy, sexual orientation, gender identity, family origin, difference in job type or employment status, etc.
We respect the personalities of workers and will strive to maintain harassment-free and comfortable workplace environments.
Working Hours and Wages
We pay appropriate wages and manage working hours in accordance with laws and regulations.
Freedom of Association and Right to Collective Bargaining
We will respect the freedom of association and the right of collective bargaining.
Forced Labor, Child Labor, etc.
We do not engage in forced labor, child labor, etc.
Improvement of Workplace Environments
We create safe and comfortable workplace environments, prevent industrial accidents and facilitate the vitalization of the workplace.
Privacy Policy
We comply with laws and regulations on the protection of personal information, work to appropriately handle personal information and respect privacy.
Healthcare Access
We make every effort to ensure a stable supply of medical products, etc. and contribute to maintaining improving healthcare access to ensure that appropriate healthcare is made available to as many people as possible.
To adequately understand and deal with our impact on human rights, we hold dialogues with relevant stakeholders.
7.Handling of and Response to Complaints
To appropriately and effectively respond to the impact of our business activities on human rights, we will build and improve remedial procedures, including the establishment of an external contact point for whistleblowing.
In cases where it is found that negative impacts on human rights have arisen through our business activities, we will take appropriate actions to remedy the situation.
9.Education and Training
We continuously promote human rights awareness training to ensure that each officer and employee understands human rights and acts based on international norms on respect for human rights.
10. Information Disclosure
We will periodically report on our human rights initiatives based on the Policy on our website, etc.
Established : January 1, 2025
Taisuke Murai
President & CEO