Basic Stock Information

Basic Stock Information

as of March 31,2024

Securities Code 3151
Stock Exchange Listing Tokyo Stock Exchange (Prime Market)
Date of Listing Apr. 1, 2009
Business Details wholesale business
Number of Shares per Unit 100 shares
Number of shares issued 51,903,000
Number of shares authorized to be issued 230,000,000
Number of shareholders 5,071
Fiscal year From April 1 to March 31 of the following year
Annual general meeting of shareholders End of June every year
Record dates Year-end dividend: March 31 every year
Interim dividend: September 30 every year
Audit firm Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu LLC (Japan)
Shareholder registry administrator
special account management institution
Sumitomo Mitsui Trust Bank, Limited
Contact 〒168-0063
Stock Transfer Agency Business Planning Department, Sumitomo Mitsui Trust Bank, Limited
2-8-4 Izumi, Suginami-ku, Tokyo, 168-0063 Japan
Telephone inquiries 0120-782-031 (toll free)
Method of public notice Public notices are posted electronically (online).
However, in the event that online announcement is not possible due to unavoidable circumstances, announcements will be published in the Nihon Keizai Shimbun.

Status of Stocks

Major shareholders

as of September 30,2024

Name / company name Number of the shares
held (thousand shares)
Percentage of
total shares issued (%)
Suzuhiko Co., Ltd. 4,892 9.97
The Master Trust Bank of Japan, Ltd. (trust account) 4,169 8.49
Custody Bank of Japan, Ltd. (trust account) 1,892 3.86
Ken Suzuki 1,371 2.79
Employee Stock Ownership Association of KSK CO., LTD. 1,275 2.60
Cueco Co., Ltd. 1,187 2.42
Koichiro Suzuki 1,027 2.09
Mizuho Trust & Banking Co., Ltd. Employee Pension Trust
(Daiichi Sankyo Company, Limited)
1,014 2.07
Employee Stock Ownership Association of VITAL-NET,INC. 871 1.77

*In addition to the above, the Company holds 2,823,000 shares as treasury shares.

Distribution by number of shares held

as of September 30,2024

shareholders Number of Shares Held
Percentage of Shares Held
Individuals and others 19,480 39.7
Other corporations 12,213 24.9
Financial institutions 8,776 17.9
Foreign corporations 8,114 16.5
Securities companies 494 1.0

*Percentage distribution of shareholders has been calculated by deducting one shareholder from the total number of shareholders and treasury shares (2,823,000 shares) from the total number of shares issued, due to treasury shareholdings.

Distribution by shareholder type

as of September 30,2024

shareholders Number of Shares Held
Percentage of Shares Held
500,000 shares or more 16 47.2
100,000 shares or more 57 24.9
10,000 shares or more 344 17.4
1,000 shares or more 1,612 9.5
Less than 1,000 shares 2,786 1.0