Privacy Policy

1. Basic Policy

VITAL KSK HOLDINGS, INC. (the Company) regards the protection of personal information as a matter of the utmost importance in its business operations, and makes all employees engaged in work at the VITAL KSK Group (VK Group) aware of their responsibilities for the protection of personal information.

We respond to the trust of our stakeholders by complying with laws and internal rules regarding the protection of personal information, and handling personal information accurately and safely.

2. Name of the business operator handling personal information, etc.

Address 1-1-12, Tsurumaki, Setagaya-ku, Tokyo 154-0016
Representative Taisuke Murai, President & CEO

3. Purpose of use

We collect, use, and provide personal information only within the extent of the following purposes of use.

Purpose of use of personal information about customers

  • Use of name and address, etc., for business transactions such as delivery, provision of services, and billing
  • Provision and collection of information on the proper use of pharmaceuticals
  • Provision and collection of information on the quality, safety, and/or efficacy of pharmaceuticals
  • Surveys and research in the pharmaceutical field
  • Provision and collection of medical and academic information
  • Verification of identity, confirmation of contract details and conditions for providing services, and other matters relating to the provision of our services
  • To provide information on our services, sales recommendations, and questionnaire surveys, etc., by telephone, e-mail, postal mail, and other media
  • Contracting and implementation of clinical trials and post-market surveys / research, etc.
  • Notification and reporting to government agencies
  • Joint use at meetings of service personnel based on the Long-Term Care Insurance Act

Purpose of use of personal information about users of the Company contact point

  • Consideration, investigation, and response to consultations and communications, etc.
  • Notification and reporting to government agencies
  • Identity verification

Purpose of use of personal information of shareholders

  • Performance of obligations stipulated in the Companies Act and other laws and regulations, and responding to the exercise of shareholder rights Sending reports, shareholder newsletters, and other materials for distribution
  • Identity verification

Purpose of use of personal information about job applicants

  • Consideration, decision and notification of hiring
  • Identity verification

Purpose of use of personal information about officers, employees, retirees, and their families

  • Management of work, salary payment, HR development, evaluations, skills development, welfare, and health & safety, etc.
  • Contact and provision of information to labor unions, health insurance associations, subsidiaries and affiliated companies
  • Notification and reporting to government agencies

4. Provision to third parties

We will not provide personal data to third parties without the prior consent of the individual whom the information is about. However, this does not include the following cases.

  • Where required by laws or regulations
  • Where the provision is required for protecting human life, body or property and it is difficult to obtain the consent of the individual.
  • Where it is especially necessary to improve public health or promote the sound growth of children and it is difficult to obtain the consent of the individual.
  • There is a need to cooperate with a central government organization or a local government, or an agent acting on their behalf, performing affairs prescribed by laws and regulations, and there is a possibility that obtaining consent from the individual could interfere with the performance of the said affairs.
  • When information is provided to a third party without the consent of the individual in question, and there is a request from the individual to not provide personal data to a third party, the provision of information will be suspended in response to the request.

5. Joint use

We share the use of personal data of our customers as follows.

Personal information for joint use

(1) Personal information about business partners of joint users
Names, addresses, places of employment, positions, telephone numbers, fax numbers, e-mail addresses, and transaction information, etc.

(2) Personal information of directors, auditors, executive officers, full-time employees, contract employees, quasi-employees, temporary employees, part-timer workers, and temporary employees of joint users
Names, addresses, places of employment, positions, telephone numbers, fax numbers, e-mail addresses, and personal information relating to employee management, etc.

Purpose of joint use

  • The purposes of use described in 3. above.
  • Improving the overall corporate value of the Group
  • Providing comprehensive services and conducting transactions smoothly and appropriately

Scope of joint users

  • Manufacturers and wholesalers of pharmaceuticals and medical devices*
    *Information will be shared for mutual information exchange based on Article 1-4 of the Act on Securing Quality, Efficacy and Safety of Products Including Pharmaceuticals and Medical Devices.

Parties responsible for managing joint use

VITAL KSK HOLDINGS, INC. is responsible for the management of joint use.

6. Matters regarding security control actions

We will take necessary and appropriate safety management measures to protect personal information from loss, leakage, destruction, and falsification, etc.

  1. Organizational security measures
    We have assigned persons responsible for the handling of personal information, clarified employees who may handle personal information and the scope of personal information to be handled by those employees, and developed a system for reporting to and contact with persons responsible in the event of discovery of an actual or suspected breach of laws and regulations or internal rules regarding the protection of personal information.
  2. Human security measures
    We regularly provide to employees training, etc. on considerations related to the handling personal data.
  3. Physical security measures
    In areas where personal data is handled, we restrict employee access and the equipment which can be brought in, and also take measures to ensure that documents containing personal data are stored under lock and key.
  4. Technological security measures
    We use access control to limit the scope of persons in charge of handling personal information and the scope of the personal information database they handle. We implement measures for the protection of personal information from unauthorized access from outside.

7. Contact for inquiries about personal information

For complaints and inquiries regarding personal information held by the Company, notification of the purpose(s) of use of personal data held by the Company, and requests for disclosure, correction, suspension of use, and deletion, etc. of personal data held by the Company ("disclosure, etc."), please contact the following personal information inquiry desk.

Address 1-1-12, Tsurumaki, Setagaya-ku, Tokyo 154-0016
Name Personal Information Inquiries, General Affairs and Human Resources Department, VITAL KSK HOLDINGS, INC.

We will comply with laws and regulations regarding the protection of personal information, and review and improve the above policy as appropriate.

Accordingly, please note that the above policy may be subject to change without notice.

Any changes will be posted on this website.