A company where women play an active part, that is, a company that provides a good working environment for women, is also a good place for men to work. This is because in the future, we will enter an era in which diverse work styles will be required not only for childcare but also for nursing care and other situations.
Based on this philosophy, the VITAL KSK Group offers training programs, seminars, and social events for female employees. We are taking approaches such as reforming and raising awareness of male employees to increase the percentage of male employees taking childcare leave. By promoting diversity and inclusion, we will make it easier for individual employees to make effective use of their abilities, which will lead to the improvement of the Group’s corporate strength. Through these activities, we will work to develop human resources who will support community healthcare, which is the source of the Group’s growth.
Main initiatives
Support for employees returning to work after taking childcare leave
For those planning to return to work after childcare leave, we hold exchange meetings with those who have experienced returning to work, to enable them to learn about the actual state of life-work balance after returning to work. We have also opened a company-led childcare facility—Safuran Kids—in Natori, Miyagi Prefecture, to support a healthy balance between work and childcare, not only for Group employees but also for members of the working generation in the community.
Percentage of female employees in management positions
Percentage of childcare leave taken by male employees