We accept your opinions, requests, questions, and other inquiries about our company here. We use the inquiries we receive to improve and enhance our activities in the future.
Before sending an inquiry, please be sure to read and understand the following warnings before proceeding.
Cautionary notes
- The personal information you send will be managed strictly with our privacy policy, and will be used only to respond to your inquiry.
- We may ask you to confirm the contents of your inquiry, so please enter your e-mail address and name if possible. The personal information we receive will be used only to the extent of the purposes described above.
- Depending on the contents of your inquiry, we may provide your personal information to our group companies to enable us to respond smoothly. In such cases, you may receive a response directly from one of our Group companies.
- Depending on the time of day when you receive your inquiry, it may take some time for us to respond. Also, in some cases, we may choose not to respond depending on the content of your inquiry.
- Our response is intended for the individual customer. Please refrain from diverting or making secondary use of part or all of the content of our response.
- Responses to inquiries are based on information available at the time of the inquiry, and the Company is not obligated to update or correct changes when new information arises. In addition, although we take great care in writing our responses, we do not guarantee the accuracy of their contents, and accept no liability for any damages caused as a result of using the website.
- Sales approaches from the inquiry form are strictly prohibited. We are not able to respond to such inquiries.
Input Forms