Human Resource Development

Human resources development training

The VITAL KSK Group regards human resources as the source for increasing corporate value, and has established a variety of training systems to support the growth of individual employees according to their roles and abilities. For example, the Future Value Creation School Program is an opportunity to create a corporate culture that encourages the creation of new knowledge and challenges by having students approach each other holistically, based on knowledge creation theory. We also encourage human resource exchanges among affiliated companies and actively dispatch employees to graduate schools and other external training as part of our efforts to develop human resources who can think and see things from multiple perspectives. We will continue to enhance our training system in order to remain an indispensable part of local and community healthcare.

Key points in HR development support

1. Diversification of recruitment activities Year-round recruitment, mid-career recruitment, alumni recruitment, and referral-based recruitment to acquire a human resources portfolio with the quantity and quality needed to actualize our management strategy
2. Level-specific training Improving the skills required at each level and fostering human resources who will lead the next generation
3. Building diversity and leveraging creativity Building diversity and leveraging creativity by bringing out the abilities of individual employees through work experience in various departments
4. Mentoring training Mentoring through interaction with senior employees who are active in other departments
5. Enhancement of communications Movement encouraging use of the “-san” honorific and creative office layout ideas
6. Broadening employee horizons Dispatch to graduate schools, etc.
7. Career development Support for employee career development based on a self-reporting system

Main initiatives

  • Future Value Creation School Program
  • Dispatch to graduate schools, etc.
  • Mentoring training