
Basic Policies

We have established a compliance code based on our understanding that compliance with laws and regulations is a key management theme. We also conduct compliance training three times a year and rigorously implement initiatives to instill awareness of compliance. Based on our corporate philosophy of contributing to the realization of a healthy and prosperous society, we believe that in order to build deep trusting relationships with our stakeholders and become a corporate group that is trusted by society, it is crucial not only to comply with laws and regulations, but also to act with high ethical standards as businesspeople. For this reason, we have formulated a compliance code based on the following five basic policies, and have established it as a code of conduct for all officers and employees of the Group.

Basic Policy on Compliance

  1. Social (Community) Contribution
  2. Ensuring fair and appropriate transactions and safe services
  3. Timely disclosure and protection of personal information
  4. Establishment of a healthy working environment
  5. Severance of relations with antisocial forces

Compliance Promotion Structure

VITAL KSK has established a Risk and Compliance Committee and established a system to promote compliance by appointing compliance leaders at all Group companies.

The compliance code obligates officers and employees to make a report whenever an act of non-compliance is discovered or committed by the person him or herself, and we have established a whistleblowing system envisaging cases where it is difficult to report via normal channels, such as sexual or power-related harassment. To make this system function properly, the compliance code states that reporters / whistleblowers will not suffer any disadvantageous treatment as a result of making a report.

Initiatives to Instill Awareness of Compliance

Since FY2016, the Group has conducted video-based compliance training for all Group employees three times a year. To communicate the importance of legal compliance, training began with the themes of risks in the event of scandals and the prevention of sexual and power harassment by creating an open workplace. By continuing to identify and communicate information on themes relating to daily work duties and the workplace, we aim to promote awareness and learning, and create an environment where compliance can be discussed openly and voluntarily in the workplace.

We also conduct compliance awareness surveys for all Group employees once a year, so that the training does not become a one-sided affair. Based on the results of the survey, we analyze compliance issues within the Group and reflect them in themes and content for future training. We have also formulated and are operating an anti-trust / anti-monopoly law compliance program with more robust content.

We will continue the cycle of training and compliance awareness surveys to raise the ethical values of each employee and increase compliance awareness throughout the Group.
